Auto and Ethno Museum “Filip” in village Krklino

Krklino Museum Bitola, Macedonia

About the Museum

Auto and Ethno Museum “Filip” is a private museum located in village Krklino, just 5 km from Bitola.Krklino Museum - Auto and Ethno Museum " Filip"With a collection of objects which in quality and quantity exceeds many state owned museums, Auto and Ethno Museum “Filip” is a location you can’t miss during your visit in Bitola.

Krklino Museum - Auto and Ethno Museum " Filip"The museum contains a large collection of antique cars including Simka Ariane from 1953, Opel Olimpija, Ford Taunus, Pezo404, Plimut Valijant, Moskvic, Opel Olimpija, Fiko, Folsvagen Buba, Citroen, twenty-four motorbikes six decades old in a great condition such as BMW, DKW, NSU, MAKS, etc.

Krklino Museum - Auto and Ethno Museum " Filip"Ethno section of the museum contains a rich collection of objects, carefully arranged in several authentic rooms, such urban, village, Jewish and Turkish, as well as a collection of old costumes, instruments, weapons, household items and so on.

Krklino Museum - Auto and Ethno Museum " Filip"Auto and Ethno Museum ” Filip” is a result of long and dedicated hard work of Boris Tanevski and his family.

Recently, toward the development of rural tourism in village Krklino, the museum is enriched with another activity, ie visitors can spend the night in an authentic room, as well they can taste a number of Macedonian specialties prepared in a traditional way.

Contact and more information:

  • Auto and Ethno Museum ” Filip”
  • Village Krklino, 7000 Bitola
  • Tel: +389 (0) 47286666
  • Mobile: +389 (0) 70312146
  • e-mail:

Photo Gallery – Part 1

Krklino Museum - Auto and Ethno Museum " Filip"
Krklino Museum - Auto and Ethno Museum " Filip"
Krklino Museum - Auto and Ethno Museum " Filip"
Krklino Museum - Auto and Ethno Museum " Filip"
Krklino Museum - Auto and Ethno Museum " Filip"