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Aleksandar Turundzev – Primary School

Aleksandar Turundzev – Primary School Year of establishment: 1986 Address: s. Kukurechani Phone: +389 47 286 027 Language: Macedonian

Elpida Karamandi – Primary School

Elpida Karamandi - Primary School Year of establishment: 1980 Address: "Vasko Karangelevski" bb Phone: +389 47 258 774 Languages: Macedonian and Albanian

Dame Gruev – Primary School

Dame Gruev - Primary School in Bitola Year of establishment: 1963 Address: “Gjorce Petrov” 7 Phone: +389 47 202 900 Language: Macedonian

Majski cvet – Kinder-garden

Majski cvet - Kinder-garden (Детска градинка - ЈОУДГ “Мајски цвет“) Address: JNA bb Phone: +389 47 251 108 Within "Majski Cvet" work 6 kindergartens: Majski...

“Estreja Ovadia Mara” Kindergarten

"Estreja Ovadia Mara" Kindergarten (Детска градинка - ЈОУДГ “Естреја Овадија Мара“) Address: Naum Naumovski Borce bb Phonw: +389 47 236-604 Within Estreja Ovadia Mara work...
Министерство за труд и социјална политика лого

Center for Social Work – Bitola

Меѓуопштинскиот центар за социјална работа – Битола овозможува стручна помош и заштита на најразлични категории и корисници односно помош и заштита на лицата со проблеми од социјалната сфера на општественото живеење.
Широк Сокак кон север или Авенија на Слободата во 1908 г

History of Bitola

The oldest remnants of human life in the Pelagonia valley date back to the Neolithic period, with the oldest representative of the Velushina-Porod culture dating back to the late Neolithic.
Ревија на традиционални носии

Macedonian Folk Costumes – Ilinden Days 30.07.2019

Within the festival "Ilinden Days 2019", a Folk Costumes Show was organized by the Ensemble Macedonia, on 30.07.2019. Traditional folk costumes from the ethnographic entities: Gorno-Vardar, Debar-Reka, Brsjachka, South-Macedonian, and Skopje region were shown.
Ilindenski denovi - 2019 - cover

Ilindenski Denovi 2019 – opening ceremony – photo gallery

Ilindenski Denovi - Ilinden Days (Илинденски денови) is a festival of folk songs and dances, that takes place in Bitola every year at the end of July and beginning of august.
Ротинско езеро

Rotino lake – Baba Mountain

Rotino lake near Rotino village is actually an artificial accumulation on Rotino River, south-west of the village of Rotino.
Манастир Св. Илија, Ротино

St. Elijah monastery near Rotino village, Municipality of Bitola

The monastery church dedicated to St. Elijah (Св. Илија) is a relatively new object, which, according to the local population, was built on the foundations of an older monastery.
Св. Никола, Ротино

St. Nicholas church in Rotino village, Municipality of Bitola

Church St. Nicholas in the village of Rotino was built in the mid-19th century, but during the First World War, it was badly damaged and later renewed.
Село Ротино, Општина Битола

Rotino village, Municipality of Bitola

Rotino is a mountain village situated at altitude 1010 m above sea level on Baba mountain, 13 km from Bitola city. The village borders with the National Park Pelister and in its area most represented are pastures and arable land.
Zoo Garden Bitola

Bitola ZOO

The Bitola Zoo was founded in 1951 by a group of committed nature enthusiasts living in the city of Bitola. Several years after its...
Реката Курдерес - насловна

Kurderes River – “The wolf stream” – Bitola in the past

The name of the river Kurderes comes from the Turkish words (kurt-deresi), in translation "wolf stream". It sprang from Baba mountain and was a...
Магнолии во Битола

Spring morning in Bitola city center – 25.03.2019 – Photo gallery

Spring morning in Bitola city center The beautiful spring morning lured our photographer for a walk around Bitola. The blooming trees were a motive plus,...
Магнолии во Битола

Magnolias in Bitola city center

Magnolia is ornamental tree originating from North America. There are more than 200 different species of Magnolia trees. Its luxuriant flowers are with size...
Некогаш Суд, а денес Музичко училиште - Битола некогаш и денес

The former court and today’s Music School – Bitola then and...

Bitola then and now. Old photo - a group of citizens waiting in front of the court that was housed in the building of...
„Чинарот“ на разгледница од 1917/18 година - Битола некогаш и денес

Bitola Chinar (Plane Tree) on a postcard from 1917/18 – Bitola...

The Bitola Chinar tree on a postcard from 1917/18 during the First World War, compared to the same location in 2017. Namely, this is...
Бугарски заробеници во Битола за време на Првата светска војна - Битола некогаш и денес

Bulgarian captives in Bitola during the First World War – Bitola...

Bulgarian captives after the capture of Bitola by the Entente armies on November 18 1916. Location - former Division. Compared to the same location photographed...