Gorno Oreovo village

Gorno Oreovo, Bitola Municipality, Macedonia

The village of Gorno Oreovo is located 8 km from Bitola and up to the village leads the road through the village of Bukovo.
The name of the village originates from the richness of the walnuts in this region (“Orev” = Walnut).
The village is mountainous and is located at altitude of 960 meters a.s.l.
In the vicinity of the village on May 3, 1942, the first Bitola partisan detachment “Pelister” was eliminated, as it is evidenced by the monument in the center of the village.
In 1961 village Gorno Oreovo had 279 inhabitants and according to the census in 2002, the village had only 23 inhabitants.
In the center of the village the church St. Petka is located built in 1860 and near the village particularly interesting is the location “Dupen Kamen”.

Gorno Oreovo, Bitola Municipality, Macedonia

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