Krklino village near Bitola

Krklino, Bitola Municipality, Macedonia

Krklino is a village in Municipality of Bitola, which according to the 2002 census counted 611 inhabitants, a number which is far smaller today. According to one legend, the name of village Krklino comes from the name of the beautiful girl “Ilina”, who in the surrounding villages was known under the name of “Krklina”.

In village Krklino, there are churches dedicated to St. Todor and St. Mary, and especially interesting is the monastery St. Elijah, situated on a hill near the village.

St. Iliya Krklino, Bitola Municipality, Macedonia

St. Elijah Monastery

Up to the monastery leads an asphalt road, and what makes it especially interesting to visit this monastery in each period of the year is its location and the wonderful panoramas toward Pelagonija and Pelister.

Particularly interesting in village Krklino is the private museum and collection of rarities “Filip”. The rich collection of cars, motorcycles, bicycles, as well as well arranged city, village, Turkish and Jewish rooms, are just a motive plus to visit this museum, which according to many is the richest private museum in Macedonia.

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