Macedonian Currency


Macedonian currency is: Denar (den.)

Nominal values are:

  • COINS: 1, 2, 5, 10, 50 Denars
  • NOTES: 10, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000 Denars
  • 1 denar = 100 deni

* Banknotes of 10 and 50 denars are withdrawn from service

In Macedonia payments are made in Denars. Foreign currencies can be exchanged in banks and exchange offices.

Currency regulations:
Upon the exit from the Republic of Macedonia the residents:

  • COULD take out of the country the equivalent of 2.000 Euros in foreign currency and checks and up to 20.000 denars per person.
  • ARE OBLIGED to declare their foreign currency and checks to the Customs authority where the total amount exceeds the equivalent of 2.000 Euros and less than 4.000 Euros (with certificate from the authorized bank or exchange office).
  • ARE NOT ALLOWED to take out of the country the amount that exceeds the equivalent of 4.000 Euros in foreign currency and checks and over 20.000 denars per person.


Upon the exit from the Republic of Macedonia the non-residents:

  • COULD take out of the country the equivalent of 2.000 Euros in foreign currency and checks and up to 20.000 denars per person.
  • ARE OBLIGED to declare their foreign currency and checks to the Customs authority where the total amount is the equivalent of 2.000 Euros (with certificate issued by the Customs authority upon the entry into the country)
  • ARE NOT ALLOWED to take out of the country foreign currency in amount higher that declared one upon the entry into the country, quoted on the certificate and over 20.000 denars per person.

More info:

10_den       50_den

100_den       500_den
1000_den       5000_den