The Church of St. George in the village of Capari is a large three-nave church built in 1888. Quickly after its construction, the church frescoes were painted by the “Radevi” brothers from Lazaropole (Jacob and Joseph). Particularly impressive is the southern entrance to the church with the painted representations of the archangels Michael and Gabriel.
As a testimony to the existence of an older church in this place is the rich collection of icons dating back to the 18th and 19th centuries.
In the yard of the church a large number of graves can be seen, of soldiers from the Bulgarian army who died near the village during the First World War (On the front line on Pelister mountain). Near the village there also a Bulgarian military cemetery from this period.
Near the church of St. George the small one-aisled church of St. Athanasius is located and the impressive monastery complex St. Petka.