St. George Monastery in village Velushina

st george monastery velushina

St. George monastery is located 1.7 km west from village Velushina in Bitola municipality.

From this monastery is visible the larger southern part of the Pelagonia valley, and at night, from the opposite side, the lighted cross in the courtyard of the monastery is clearly visible from many distant locations.

Visitors enter the monastery complex trough the large monastery gate, which is part of the ground floor of the sleeping quarters.
The St. George church is a small three-nave building from 1839 and the fresco painting was made in 1848 by Jovan Zograf, who was originally from the village of Hyonaton or Hjonadez, from where he later moved to Trnovo.

Don’t miss: Virtual 360 Tour – St. George Monastery (Виртуелна прошетка)… 

The proximity to Baba Mountain is a motive plus for visitors from Bitola and Macedonia who are frequent guests in this monastery and for many it is a favorite destination for short cycling / walking excursions.
In the monastery’s quarters there are four rooms available for visitors for overnight stay.

More information:

Photo Gallery – St. George Monastery

St. George monastery - Velushina village, Bitola municipality, Macedonia


St. George monastery - Velushina village, Bitola municipality, Macedonia

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St. George monastery - Velushina village, Bitola municipality, Macedonia


St. George monastery - Velushina village, Bitola municipality, Macedonia


St. George monastery - Velushina village, Bitola municipality, Macedonia


St. George monastery - Velushina village, Bitola municipality, Macedonia


St. George monastery - Velushina village, Bitola municipality, Macedonia


St. George monastery - Velushina village, Bitola municipality, Macedonia


St. George monastery - Velushina village, Bitola municipality, Macedonia


St. George monastery - Velushina village, Bitola municipality, Macedonia