Stiv Naumov – Memorial house

Stiv Naumov - Memorial house

The house of birth of the national hero Stevan Naumov – Stiv is located on the street Peco Bozinovski No. 11, Bitola.

Among the first activities of the Bitola Museum, 4 July 1961, on the occasion of the Day of the Soldier, was the promotion of this permanent exhibition, after the reconstruction and adaptation of the building.

In 1977 the building was reconstructed and re-adapted, thus enabling the conditions for the presentation of the life and acts of Stevan Naumov Stiv.

The exhibition is accommodated on an area of more than 150 m2 on the ground floor and the first floor. In 2003, this exhibition was renewed for the third time and enriched by new museum items.

On the ground floor there is an exhibition of the household items and everyday items of the family. On the upper storey of the building, which covers an area of 80 m2 in four separate entities are presented: the documents and items which accompanied the life and work of the hero since his earliest childhood (photos, documents items closely related to his family); while the second entity presents his revolutionary deeds, his death on 12 September 1942 together with his comrade Mite Bogoevski.
The history part ends with the presentation of the victory over fascism, and articles written about him.
The third entity, of 18m2, is arranged as a parlor / living room, for formal receptions of visits, and is furnished with original and purchased items from that time, which paints a picture of a modestly wealthy family with a large number of family members (uncles, cousins etc.) framed in many photographs.
To complete the entire exhibition, there is the rearranged blind passageway showing three artistic paintings (dimensions of 3 x 4 m) painted by the artist and member of NLAWM Tode Ivanovski, which represent the revolutionary deeds of the hero: “Foundation of the first partisan detachment Pelister”, “6, May 1942 Stiv kills the evil police chief Kurkciev”, “Stiv and Mite deep in thought before their murder”.
In the same passage there is a 3-D model that presents the attack of the partisan detachment Dame Gruev on the police station in the village Kazani led by Stevan Naumov. Other national heroes, members of NLAWM from Bitola and its vicinity, are presented on a separate panel.