St. Athanasius Monastery (Манастир Св. Атанасие) Smolevo

Sv atanasij veliki Smolevo Bitola

Smolevo was village located on the Baba Mountain, southwest of Bitola, between the villages Lavci and Bukovo.

On this place today only the monastery St. Athanasius exists as one of the most famous hiking and picnic locations for the population of Bitola.

Sv atanasij veliki Smolevo Bitola

From Strchin neighborhood where the asphalt road ends, up to the monastery leads 1.3 km (0.8 miles) dirt road appropriate only for some vehicles, but good for hiking/ biking.
The monastery has benches on which visitors can rest and cool off the spring clean cold water. The meadows and paths around the monastery are ideal for all-day picnic for the whole family.

Sv atanasij veliki Smolevo Bitola

Sv atanasij veliki Smolevo Bitola